Who We Are
The GameRoomAntiques web site is published by the Ken and Jackie Durham. We have been collectors and dealers in gameroom items for over 30 years.
We are also the publisher of the annual Antique Amusements, Slot
Machine & Jukebox Gazette newspaper. We also periodically exhibit at gameroom and antique shows across the country, so you may be able to stop by and say hello.
Until recently we lived in Washington, D.C., only 10 blocks from the White House. We are now in North Carolina.Unfortunately, we do not have a store and can accomodate only mail orders.
Over our 30 years of collecting we have made contact with numerous gameroom dealers who have built a reputation for quality and reliability. On our website, we feature the items from many of these dealers.
We also accept advertising from reputable dealers. Our advertising rates are on the web. For your convenience, we also link to the web sites of selected dealers who carry items we do not carry. Should you be dissatisfied with any of our advertisers or dealers, please let us know. If we find there is a pattern of problems, we will remove them from our web site.
Order Processing
When we receive an order we usually process it on the same day we receive it. We ship most items by UPS or Priority Mail. It then takes about 3-6 working days to reach you.
We have many items in stock, but sometimes, with over 1000 items on our web site, we'll be out-of-stock. Generally we can back order items in about a 7 to 10 days. If it will take longer, we indicate that on our web site. Since some items are custom made, it can take 8-10 weeks or more to make them.
If you don't receive your order within 4 weeks, please email or call us, so we can follow-up with the shipper.
We pack all packages with extra protection to assure that the item you orders arrives safely. We also fully insure all our shipments. If your order is damaged during shipment, save all the packaging material and call us right away, so we can process an insurance claim. Unfortunately, that can take 3-4 weeks.
If you order a larger item from one of our gameroom dealer partners, the item will probably be shipped by truck. It is very important for you to inspect the item carefully before you sign the delivery papers. Most trucking company will not honor any insurance claim after you have signed their delivery papers.
Please call or email with any questions to be sure of your order. Unfortunately we can not
accept returns because all items are either special orders, directly shipped by the owner, or
subject to damage if not professionally packaged.
Privacy Policy
We do not compile any personal information when you visit our web site. We do NOT use "cookies" or any other programs that track your visit to our site. We do, however, place some ads from Google and Ebay to help you find what you are looking for. They may use "cookies," they don’t collect or serve ads based on personally identifying information without your permission.
If you e-mail us, requesting information, we may forward your e-mail to one or two of our "select" group of gameroom dealers who may be able to answer your inquiry. If I can't help you, I may give you a free classified want ad to help you find the item you requested.
We are happy to help you try to find what you are looking for by giving you a free Classified Ad on our web site, but unfortunately if you buy or sell anything on the internet, someone will try to defraud you. For your protection, please read our advice on how to avoid an internet scam.
We do not sell or give away the names or email addresses of the people who contact us.
If you order from us by credit card, we use your credit card information only to process your order. For your protection, we do not keep any central computer file of credit card numbers.
If you have any concern about the GameRoomAntiques web site, you can contact us on: durham@GameRoomAntiques.com
Copyright and Disclaimers
Our entire web site: the articles, the photos, and the list of links are copyrighted. Only personal use is allowed. Advance written permission is required for any other use.
Although we try to assure the accuracy of material on our web site, we cannot attest to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information on our website.
We provide links to other web site for your convenience. These links do not represent an endorsement.
Please email or phone us if you have any questions about any of the merchandise on our web site. Since we do not allow refunds or exchanges, we want to be sure that you know what you are buying before you purchase from us. We'll be glad to answer your questions, send additional photos, or provide references.
 GameRoomAntiques at Philadelphia Gameroom Show
Web Site Statistics
The GameRoomAntiques.com web site is visited by over 30,000 different people each month. Many of these visitors come back and visit the site a second or third time each month. The typical visitor examined 11 pages before leaving the site. A typical visit lasted for about 3 1/2 minutes. These statistics wer produced by the Wusage 8.0 program
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For more information on:
Who We Are & Our Privacy Policy
Ken Durham
please email: