Slot machines are generally perceived as a frivolous devise providing few, if any, social benefits. The Los Angeles Museum of Science and Industry, however, uses several Mills High Top Sot Machines to educate the public about the random factors that farmers face when planting crops.
The exhibit is called:
The exhibit then reads as follows:
"Even with all the advances in science and technology, agriculture remains a gamble. There are many random factors the farmer can't control, some of which are shown on the reels of these slot machines.
The odds of getting a Bonanza Year, a Breakeven Year or a Wipe Out in each crop are set to reflect actual experience."
The reel strips on the slot machines have been changed to read as follows:
Reel #1 Reel #2 Reel #3
Flea Beatle Demand Rises Perfect Winds
Better Weed Killer Oil Embargo Severe Winds
Fungus Control Drip Irrigation Frost Free
Better Fertilizer Labor Problem Perfect Temp
Mealybugs Steady Prices Too Cool
The player pulls the handle to see what kind of year it will be. If the three reels have favorable conditions the screen behind the slot lights up and says "Good Year" and a musical fanfare is played. More often, however, one of the reels come up with an unfavorable condition and the screen behind the slot indicates that it is a bad year. And if all three reels are bad, the screen says "Wipe Out" and a trumpet plays Taps.
Given the popularity of slot machines, maybe we should put slot machines in all our schools to educate students on the risks of life.
For information on antique slot machine values, go to Antique Slot Machine Price Guide
For information on repair options, legality in your state or for a list of slot machines available for sale, visit the Slot Machine Resource Center
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