PACHINKO . . . . PACHISLO . . . . RECORD SETS . . . . GUMBALLS . . . . CD JUKEBOXES . . . . SLOTS . . . . . POPCORN . . . . . SODA

The Experts Speak


The May 1999 issue of the Coin Operated Collectors Association share with us a letter anonymouly submitted at C.O.C.A's last meeting. The text of the letter follows" "Mega Collectors Exposed At Spring C.O.C.A. Meeting

We all thought we knew who they were, . . . they surely knew who they were . . . when the featured speaker started to mention the occupations of all the MEGA COLLECTOS, COLLECTIONS OF OVER 100 GREAT COIN OP MACHINES, the members at the meeting were easily able to tell who they were!

The embarrassment of such conspicuous consumption turned faces red. Some MEGA COLLECTORS it was noted, actually have several hundred coin op machines

In view of the fact that so many of the really great machines are so unfairly concentrated in so few collections, it is rumored that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT may get involved.

If you would like to help with the wording of a law covering the FAIR DISTRIBUTION of what is most likely a non-renewable NATIONAL TREASURE, please free to contact your REPRESENTATIVE OR SENATOR. Senator Fritz Hollings of South Carolina would be a likely advocate of limiting "too much consumin.:

In other government quarters a special tax to be levied on the collection of these treasures, is being considered. This is to discourage those who might attempt to gather more than their fair share.

Perphaps the length of ownership of any machine over 70 years old, shold be limited to 15 years. Thereby making it possible for more people to share the custodianship of these machines.

Signed - Anonymous Attendee"

Comment from a Reader

I would like to vote for a law that limits how much money someone may make in a day, a year and a lifetime. Say, if it is over $20,000 a year, split it up for people who are more needy. Think about it!

Those of us who don't want to work can be sure that sports figures, government officials and movie stars and let's not forget lottery winners will have to share with the rest of us. It's ridiculous that others make so much. From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

In other words: SOUR GRAPES!

Comment from a Reader

Limiting the size of collections? Get real ! There are more than enough jukeboxes, pinball machines, video games to go around for those that want, desire, and have a passion to be sure these great machines live a long happy life! I have over 96 jukeboxes and enjoy the buying, trading, and sharing the machines with others. How many others actually have taken one of these apart, rebuilt them, and really made them better? Come on collectors! And for those of you who only dream of collecting, get up, get out, and get to work! There are still machines squirreled away in Grandma's basement. I know because I am still finding them! Remember, Thou Shalt Not Whine!


Comment from a Reader

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? It drives me crazy when I hear people say "there ought to be a law." If we had laws for every little thing someone fussed about then how would that make us a free country? Do these people not value their freedom? I like knowing that I have the opportunity to make as much money as I want to. I don't mind paying taxes as long as I have the right to vote. My right to vote allows me to choose the person that comes close to sharing the same ideas and opinions that I do. Hypothetically, If I think more money should go to fixing pot holes than cleaning up litter off the side of the road then I will vote for the guy who is promising road improvement, otherwise I will go for the other guy who is promising a cleaner Virginia.

It's bad enough that we have someone telling us that our teachers cannot ask our children to pray for a sick classmate but now someone wants to make it a LAW to regulate little Johnny from having the most baseball cards? Wise up people. If you want the most collectibles then figure out a way to get little Johnny to sell or trade them. I almost fell over when I read what one reader wrote the following:

>>>>>>>> "Those of us who don't want to work can be sure that sports figures, government officials and movie stars and let's not forget lottery winners will have to share with the rest of us. It's ridiculous that others make so much." <<<<<<<

I think that the sixth word in that sentence sums it all up WANT. Who on earth does this person THINK they are? Just because you don't WANT to work you think I should GIVE my hard earned money to YOU!!!!??????!!!!! Drop dead Fred, (or Freda, whichever the case might be.)

And, finally, you want me to call my state representative or senator to persuade him to make a law concerning FAIR DISTRIBUTION of what is most likely a nonrenewable NATIONAL TREASURE? Please. I could SAY that old cigarette butts are most likely a nonrenewable NATIONAL TREASURE, due to the fact that cigarette smoking is rapidly becoming a "thing of the past." However that's ridiculous, no butts about it.


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